Here you can find all my projects of note as well as a breakdown of my qualifications.

Teacher's Reference

written by my sixth form head as part of my university application in 2013.

Hove Park School & Sixth Form Center (+44)01273 295005

Sam has been an exceptional student at Hove Park School and Sixth Form College, this being evident from the moment he joined the school in year 7. He is a highly capable and motivated student who consistently performs to the very best of his ability. Sam has a profound interest in electronic engineering and his teachers are in no doubt that he will excel in this field both in further study and beyond.

Sam’s specific abilities in Maths and Physics suggest that he will make a fine engineering student. He displays an excellent balance of theoretical and practical knowledge. He has clear insight into the underlying mathematical structures of problems and is able to bring together techniques from several different areas and apply them in order to find solutions. He is elegant in his presentation of solutions and proofs and always gives clear explanations and reasons. He is rigorous when tackling unfamiliar problems and is able to draw on a wide knowledge of techniques to do so. Sam also possesses great strength in understanding the boundaries and limitations of mathematics when transferred to real life problems. He is able to articulate this clearly in context to a problem.

As demonstrated in his AS examinations, Sam is a highly talented Physicist. He has a clear understanding of the topics investigated and is able to apply general concepts in a broad range of situations. His study of Further Mathematics has enabled him to delve deeper into topics which are only covered in a rudimentary fashion in the Physics A Level, such as Simple Harmonic Motion.

Sam is committed and hard-working and demonstrates confidence and polish in his approach to all of his studies. His teachers note that he is an independent student and is able to work on his own without support, but always enjoys working with and sharing his expertise with others. He is very disciplined and consistently works well to deadlines.

It should be noted that Sam is a trailblazer at Hove Park. He is the first student at our 6th form college to study further mathematics at A2 level. As expected, he is mastering the higher-level concepts within the pure and mechanics modules. He has shown great maturity, independence and resilience in completing this untested course and his success has proved to be an inspiration to other students in the school. Drawing on this Sam, has helped us selflessly to promote this course and encourage other students to take it on in years to come.

Sam is an enthusiastic, helpful and thoughtful person. Beyond his academic contributions, he is a really positive presence within the school community. While at Hove Park he has gladly taken on a number of roles which have greatly benefited his peers: he single-handedly edited and produced the year 11 yearbook; he has worked closely with his fellow students to improve the school as a member of the student council; and he has played a significant role in the development and running of the sixth form cafe. He is also eager to represent and promote the school wherever he can. For example, he is often on hand at parents evening to provide guidance to parents and insights about his experience of school life. He also used his technical skills as part of the production of the new school prospectus. Above all else, Sam is a team player who is able to use his great abilities to benefit others within the school and the wider community.

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